Great work requires resources. When you give to the Civic Garden Center, you join a passionate community of people who care about keeping the art and science of gardening alive and preserving our environment for everyone’s benefit. Whatever form it takes, the critical support you provide enables us to keep restoring, improving, and protecting our natural world.
Donate Online
The quickest way to support the CGC is to donate online. We’ll send you a receipt and acknowledgment within two business days.
You can also contribute via Venmo! We’re @civicgardencenter, and the last four digits of our phone number are 0981.
Donate by Mail, Phone or Wire Transfer
We gladly accept gifts by check, credit card over the phone, or wire transfer. Learn more about contributing in one of these ways.
Set Up a Corporate Matching Gift
Many companies will match their employees’ gifts. Ask yours if they have a matching program. If they do, simply mail their matching gift form to us along with your contribution: 2715 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45206
Leave a Legacy
Your estate gift can help create the next generation of good environmental stewards. Learn more about planning your legacy.
Donate Stock
When you donate stock, you’ll not only make a huge impact on our community, but you’ll avoid paying costly capital gains taxes as well. Contact us at 513-221-0981 for more information.
Donate Goods & Services
We often need supplies and equipment to keep our programs running at full speed. And that’s important! Here’s our current wishlist. In addition, we’re always taking gently used garden treasures for the Green Flea booth at our annual Spring Plant Sale.
Give in Honor or Memory of Someone
Donating to honor a special occasion or remember a loved one is a beautiful way to memorialize what matters to you. Your tax-deductible contribution will support our core programs.
Organize Your Employees to Serve
Your company can have a major impact when employees volunteer at the Civic Garden Center. Find ways to give back while engaging your employees here.
We wouldn’t be here without our volunteers! We’re committed to a volunteer program that welcomes people of all generations who care about gardening, horticulture and environmental education. Come work with us!
Whether you need garden tools, gift ideas, or plants, think of the CGC! Our shop offers a variety of tools, sustainability products, CGC merchandise, and items from local makers, and our two annual plant sales will keep your garden well stocked.
Shop with Us
Thank You!
We’re so grateful for each gift, whether it’s made during our Annual Giving Campaign or throughout the year. We are pleased to recognize our donors in our Annual Report, distributed in The Civic Gardener each spring.
It's because of you that the CGC has been able to build community for 80 years. Your donation enables us to educate and inspire people of all ages in the art and science of gardening and the preservation of our precious environment. It's people like you who will enable us to do so for the next 80 years, too.
To learn more about the impact your contribution helps to create, please reach out to our Executive Director, Karen Kahle, at kkahle@civicgardencenter.org.
You’re Invited
You’re welcome to visit any time! Come stroll our beautiful grounds, enjoy our reading room, stop by our gift shop, and maybe even meet some of the people you support. If you’d like to attend a more structured event, check our calendar to see what we have coming up.
Our Donor Privacy Policy
Donors will be recognized in the Civic Garden Center's annual report by name (as shown on the contribution form) unless the donor has opted to make an anonymous gift. Changes may be requested by emailing our Administrative & Facilities Manager, Stephanie Fransen, at (513) 221-0981 or sfransen@civicgardencenter.org.
All information concerning prospective and current donors to the Civic Garden Center will be treated in strictest confidence by staff and volunteers.