All I Need Can Be Found in a Garden
By Juliann Gardner, CGC Board Member
It's when your needs and your wants align that you'll find the best levels of motivation, learning and positive outcomes. Wonderfully, gardening is often such a place.
Our Global Garden
By Julie Dennewitz, CGC Horticulturist
What is a garden? How do we draw the line between our well-loved and tended gardens and the chaotic wilderness beyond—and why does the answer matter?
The Case for Diversifying Our Native Plant Collections
By Sam Settlemyre, CGC Conservation Program Manager
It's not enough to just add more native plants to our yard. We also need to add more kinds of native plants. Here's why.
When I’m in the Garden
By Kymisha Montgomery, CGC Urban Agriculture Coordinator
Self care? Source of pride? Healing, connection, life lessons? A garden is all of these things and more.
The Purpose of Gardening with Children
By Ellie Falk, CGC Youth Education Coordinator
Gardening with children is not about the tasks involved in maintaining a garden. What they gain from time in the garden is broader and more foundational: comfort with being outside.
Why Garden?
By Sue Sturgeon, CGC Board President
Gardeners do what they do for myriad reasons. What's the "why" behind your love of tending plants?
CGC Summer Updates
From a new mural and class format to the return of beloved summer programs to an amazing amount of volunteer support, our summer has been full to the brim!
Donors & Sponsors
We depend on the generous support of individuals and businesses to keep doing what we do. Thank you for sustaining our work!